Royal Copenhagen is almost 300 years old. This Danish porcelain maker is famous worldwide and known for its exclusive, high quality products, stunning design and the finest craftsmanship. Founded in 1775, its products have been made ever since, always with the highest regard for tradition and quality.
From its humble beginnings, Royal Copenhagen is now found all over the world and employs over 500 people.
Royal Copenhagen is beloved as a brand and has loyal customers, artists and designers who patronize it. It is distinctly and famously Danish, and is appreciated for maintaining and renewing the public interest in classical, hand-crafted porcelain.
It is the consistent quality and craftsmanship that keeps customers coming back.
There are a number of Royal Copenhagen shops worldwide, from America to Japan, but the flagship store is located on Amagertorv (on strøget shopping street) in central Copenhagen. The knowledgeable (and multilingual) staff will explain the products on offer and help you find the perfect item, whether it is a memento for yourself, or a lavish wedding gift.
You can also enjoy a cup of tea in a world of porcelain, inside the store itself, right in the main shopping district of Copenhagen. The cafe also offers lunch, cakes, and other refreshments in the unique surroundings of the shop, or in one of two courtyards, both of which catch the sun--either in the morning or the afternoon.
If you are a fan of Royal Copenhagen, porcelain, or even just finely crafted art, don't miss out on the Royal Copenhagen shop and cafe in the middle of Copenhagen.
Opening hours:
Monday-Thursday: 10am – 6pm
Friday: 10am - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 12pm - 5pm
The shop will be closed on the following days:
Thursday/Friday 1st - 2nd April - Maundy Thursday and Good Friday
Sunday/Monday 4th and Monday 5th April - Whit Sunday and Easter Monday
Friday 30th April – Prayer Day
Thursday 13th May - Ascension Day
Monday 24th May - Whit Monday
Saturday 5th June –Constitution Day
1st June – 30 th September
Monday-Thursday: 10am - 7pm
Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday: 12pm - 5pm
All Sundays in July 10am - 5pm
Opening hours of the cafe:
Monday-Friday: 10am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 6pm
Sunday and public holidays: 11am - 5pm